Saturday, July 16, 2016

New and Worse Breaking the Iron Gate: SLC Exam (My Republica July 26, 2016)

The new letter grading system has made effective teaching and learning a choice, not a compulsion
The SLC examinations that were started in 1934 have been scrapped from this year. This government decision has upset many schools that used to advertise their top SLC scorers. It has also disappointed couching institutes and advertising agencies. The system of declaring “top ten” had strong public appeal. SLC board toppers are still well-recognized in Nepal. Almost all of them have become noted doctors, engineers, academicians, bureaucrats, businesspersons and political leaders.
The government would reduce power-cut hours during SLC exams. It was like a national event.
Was scrapping SLC exams a wise move?  Will it help improve the quality of education and student qualification? I doubt.   

The letter grading system adopted for SLC results this year has confused many parents, students and higher education institutes. Everyone passed since there was no ‘fail’ category this year. Even “dull” students have straight A’s. Although educationists said the grades could not be converted to percentage points, people are still doing so. Grading system was aimed at discouraging pass and fail categories, but below C grades are also unqualified for higher studies.

Out of about 437,000 regular examinees, 369,000, or 84 percent, have passed SLC with C or above. Only 16 percent got A or above A. This result is pleasantly surprising as the pass percentage in recent years had not crossed 47 percent (in 2011). But as in the past, there is a huge gap in the performance of private and public schools.

Most students getting C or less come from public schools, which around 80 percent of all students attend. This is not surprising given the mismanagement and political meddling in public schools. Teachers held classes irregularly and also involved themselves in politics.

Classes should be conducted for at least 216 days of the year, according to our Education Act. But studies have shown that our public schools cannot conduct classes for more than 120 days due to the all-too-frequent general strikes. Teachers act more like loyal servants of political parties instead of working in classrooms. In fact, politically motivated teachers have ruined the performance of public school students across the country.

The government in 2005 had introduced Liberal Promotion Policy with ‘no fail’ for up to grade eight. The letter grading system is nothing but its extension up to grade 12.

I think the new system will make teachers and students irresponsible and lazy. ‘No SLC’ will only benefit the already mismanaged plus-two schools.  
In a way SLC exams were like a nationwide standardization test of competitive abilities for higher education, similar to TOEFL or GRE. We chose to scrap this system instead of bringing timely reforms in the system.

Our education system has suffered as political parties have made public schools platforms to recruit their loyalists. It is not clear how the new system will correct this systemic flaw.

School education is the most vital education in one’s life. It entails understanding of basic concepts, logical thinking, altruism and value for work, which are useful for all our lives. Letter grading system has made effective teaching and learning a choice, not a compulsion as it passes everyone, whether or not the students have properly studied.

Testing the knowledge and maintaining certain standards are essential to motivating students and teachers. The SLC system did so successfully, despite its other shortcomings. Will the new system also be successful in this? I doubt.      

Monday, July 4, 2016

लाहुरे अर्थतन्त्रमा उब्जिएका सवाल (कारोबार दैनिक २० असर २०७३ ), (प्रिती फन्टमा)

xfn} sfa'nsf] ad sf08df !# g]kfnLsf] Hofg uPsf] / ^ hgf uDeL/ 3fOt] eP . o;}u/L @)^) ;fndf O/fsdf !@ g]kfnL sfdbf/sf] ;fd"lxs xTof eof] h;sf] qf;bLn] ;Dk"0f{ b]z Ao'xn ePsf] / w]/} Dofgkfj/ sDkgLsf clkm;x? tf]8kmf]8 ePsf lyP . cft+ssf/L åf/f ;fd'lxs u/fO{Psf oL b'O{ b'vb xTofsf08x? /fli6«o va/ aGg;s] . Tf/, g]kfnL sfdbf/x?sf Aoyfk"0f{ syfsf] leqL kf6f] of] eGbf Hofb} bf?0f / cf]em]ndf k/]sf] 5 . kl;gf aufP/ s]lx /fd|f] cfh{g ug{ uPsf d]xgtL g]kfnL >ldsx? cGofodf k/]/ /f]huf/L lbg] dflnssf] qm'/tf / Jolerf/sf lzsf/ eO{ d[To' ;d]t ePsf] of dlxnfsf] of}gzf]if0f ePsf] 5 . o:tf b'3{6gfx? cr]n cfk|jf;L g]kfnL n] x/]s lbg a]xf]]g{ kl//x]sf] 5, h;sf] ;dfrf/ s]lx kq kqLsfsf leqL lk|i6df ;fgf] sf]nddf dfq cfpF5 / cfp+5, cfo{3f6df s]lxsf nfz eg] w]/} pt} cnkq kg{] u5{g . cr]n cf}iftdf, b}lgs tLgj6f nfzsf afs;x? ljb]zaf6 lqe'jg ljdfg:yndf cfOk'Ug] u/]sf] tYofÍ 5 .  

kl5Nnf] ;do g]kfnL sfdbf/sf nflu k|d'v >d uGtJo ag]sf] ;fpbL c/adf b}lgs ;/b/ Ps g]kfnLsf] d[To' x'g] u/]sf] l/ofbl:yt g]kfnL b"tfjf;sf] tYofÍdf b]lVvPsf] 5 . oxfF @)&!÷&@ / @)&@÷&# df qmdzM @&& / @@( Hfgfsf] ljleGg sf/0fn] d[To' ePsf] lyof] . b"tfjf;n] clwsf+;sf] d[To' Åbof3ft, dl:tis kIff3ft h:tf k|fs[lts sf/0f n] ePsf] hgfPsf] lyof] t/ vf8L b]zdf …/utsf] abnf /utÚ h:tf s7f]/ lgod ePsf]n] xTofnfO{ k};fn] a'emf]nufO{ k|fs[lts d[To' agfO{Psf], ToxfF sfdul/ kmls{g] w]/}n] k'i6L u5{g\ .
vf8Lsf o:tf b'vb 36gf eGbf eofax l:ylt /f]huf/Ldf ;j}eGbf w]/} g]kfnL /x]sf] dn]l;ofdf 5 . j}b]lzs /f]huf/ k|j{4g af]8{df k]z ePsf] Ifltk"lt{sf] bfaL cg';f/ ;Gf\ @)!% sf] hgj/L b]lv l8;]Da/ ;Ddsf] Ps aif{sf] cjlwdf dn]l;of df (** k'?if / !@ dlxnf ul/ !,))) sfdbf/sf] d[To' ePsf] b]lvG5 . ;Gf\ @))* b]lv @)!$ ;Dddf s"n #,@&@ dn]l;of hfg] sfdbf/sf] d[To' ePsf] b]lvG5 o;df emG8} &$ k|ltzt Dofgkfj/ af6 uPsf e]l6Psf] 5 .

j}b]lzs /f]huf/ laefusf] tYof+s cg';f/ @)%)÷%! b]lv @)^@÷^# ;fDd df emG8} &=% nfv o'jf sfdsf] vf]hLdf lab]lzPsf lyo] . bf]>f] hgcfGbf]ng kl5 cy{fTf\ @)^@÷^# k5L, ha d'n'sdf sfdsf] aftfa/0f crfgs laUf|Lof] / aGb, x8\tfn, /fhg}lts ?ksf sd{rf/L o'lgogsf 8/ wlDs n] ul/vfg] aftfa/0f layf]lng yfNof] To; k5L g} #% nfv o'jf lab]l;g k'u]sf] b]lvG5 . @)&) df dfq} % nfv @! xhf/ *&* hgf ;/sf/sf] cg'dlt lnP/ ljb]z p8]sf lyP . 
cg'kftdf s]jn ^ k|ltztsf] xf/fxf/Ldf l;ldt ePklg dlxnfsf] cfk|jfzgsf] syf k'?ifsf] eGbf w]/} bogLo x'g] u5{ . dlxnf k|foM laafx e};s]kl5 3/sf] ul/aL jf kl/jf/sf] s"Jojxf/ n] lab]l;g] u/]sf] e]l6Psf] 5 . o:tf dlxnf, k'?if eGbf sd k9]sf, aflx/L ;+;f/sf] l/ltl/jfh sd a'em]sf x'gfn] ;lhn} larf}lnofsf kmGbfdf km:5g\ . 3/ 5f]8\g'kg{] bjfa logdf k'?ifsf] eGbf a9L x'G5 h;n]ubf{ ;lhn} dfga t:s/sf s'/f kTofpb} cfkm} k'ln;, k|zf;g / ;xof]uL ;+:yfnfO{ 5sfpg p2Q x'G5g\ . o;l/ ;f]em}F sf7df8f}F af6 gp8]/ lbNnL, d'+aO{, 9fsf x'Fb} unt xftdf kl/ a]Zofnodf a]lRrg] dlxnf klg w]/} 5Gf\ . Ps ef/tLo cg';Gwfgstf{sf] k|lta]bg cg';f/ ef/t / lab]zdf a]lRrPsf o:tf g]kfln dlxnfsf] at{dfg ;+Vof # nfvsf] xf/fxf/Ldf 5 . o;}u/L w]/} k};f kfOg] nf]edf 3/df sfdug{] gfddf c;'/lIft vf8Lsf /fi6«x? df k;]/ ue{wf/0f u/]sf, cfTdxTof u/]sf, dflnSgLsf] b'Ao{axf/ / b}lgs lk6fO{ af6 plDsg ;kmn ePsfx?sf] ;dfrf/ wdfwd ;'lgb} 5 . vf8L nufotsf b]zdf dlxnf n] ef]Ug'k/]sf] of] b'b{zfsf] nflu s]lx 8n/ v]ltug{] dlxnfafbL elgg]x? / o:t} vfn] u}/;/sf/L ;+:yfx? klg plQs} bf]ifL 5Gf\ h;n] dlxnf ;dfg clwsf/sf] s"JofVof u/]sf ub{} dlxnfnfO{ c;'/lIft b]z of kl/l:yltdf k'of{Psf 5Gf\ . 
s]xL jif{otf g]kfnL o'jfx¿sf] ljb]z hfg] nx/ XjfQ} a9]sf] 5 . klxn]–klxn] sfdsf]  vf]hLdf ef/tsf s'gf sfKrfdf ef}tfl/g] g]kfnLx¿ w]/} k};f sdfpg] cfzfdf cr]n gfd} g;'lgPsf b]zdf ;d]t k'Ugyfn]sf] ;'lgG5 . eVv/}sf] ;dfrf/ cg';f/ dfgj t:s/ n] k|;fGt dxf;fu/sf] Pp6f la/fg 6fk' d}qmf]g]lzof af6 !^ ca}w tl/sfn] /f]huf/Ldf lx8]sf g]kfnLnfO{ e]§fPsf] 5 . d}qmf]g]lzof, …/laGzg qm';f]Ú df pNn]v ePsf] h:t} Go'lugLsf] pQ/ / lkmlnlkG;sf] k"a{sf] k|zfGt dxf;fu/ df 5l/Psf ^)) hlt ;;fgf 6fk'x?sf] If]q xf] hxfF d'l:snn] ! nfvsf] a;f]af; 5 / hf] emG8} dfgaeIfL, cy{gUgx¿sf] b]z xf] . o:tf] cgsG6f/ b]zdf ;d]t g]kfnLsf hTyf e]l6g' n] g]kfnLx?sf] bl/› nfnzf / /fHo rnfpg]x¿sf] b]zdf g} /f]huf/Lsf] aftfa/0fnfO{ a]jf:tf ub{} htfaf6 ePklg h;l/ ePklg o'jfnfO{ lab]z g} k7fpg] c3f]lift gLltnfO{ pw+fuf] kf/]sf] 5 .
slxNo} guPsf b]zdf Toxfsf] lgod sfg'g yfxf gkfP/ / otfaf6 bnfn n] em'¶f k|nf]eg lbbf, g;f]r]sf] b'Vvdf km:g] ax';+Vos 5Gf\ . klxnf uPsf s]xL efUodfgLsf] /fd|f] syf / sdfO{ b]v]/ oxfFsf l7s l7s} x}l;ot ePsfx¿ klg ljb]zsf] sl7g kl/lZyltdf km;]sf 5Gf\ . ePsf] yf]/} ;DklQ klg ;fx'nfO{ lbP/ jf a]r]/ bnfnx¿nfO{ nfvf}+ k};f a'emfO{ ljb]z k'Ubf cfkm"n] ;f]r]sf] eGbf w]/} km/s sfd / Hofnfdf km;]sf  5g\ . slt t bnfnsf] kmGbfdf k/]/ gSsnL eL;faf6 ljb]z k'Ubf h]nsf sf]7Lx¿df hLjg latfpb} 5g\ . nfvf}+ ¿k}ofF vr{ u/]/ ljb]z k'u]sf slt g]kfnLx¿ t aLrd} cfkm'n] sfd ug{] sf/vfgf aGb x'Fbf cfkm\gf] C0f;d]t ltg{ g;Sg]eO{ kms{g'k/]sf] 5 . bnfnx¿nfO{ xhf/f}+ ¿k}ofF v'jfP/ ljb]z k'u]sf slt g]kfnLx¿ cj}w sfdbf/sf] ¿kdf n'sLl5kL sfd ug{'kg{] afWotfdf x'G5Gf\ . To:tf] cj:yfdf pgLx¿sf] Hofg uPdf kl/jf/n] Ifltk"lt{ ;d]t kfpFb}Gf\ .
ljb]z hfg' clwsf+zsf] afWotf xf] . cfkm\gf] b]zdf /f]huf/Lsf] Joa:yf gx'g' g} k|d'v sf/s xf] . o; k|sf/sf] k|jf; n] ;a}eGbf 7"nf] Iflt s[lifnfO{ kf/]sf] 5 . a'9fa'9L, s]6fs]6L / dlxnf dfq 3/df x'Fbf s}of} v]tLof]Uo hldg afFemf] /x]sf], ufO{a:t' kfNg g;s]sf]], dn gxFbf u/]sf] v]tL klg /fd|f] gx'g] ;d:ofn] s[lif rf}k6 aGb}  uPsf] 5 . ufpF df s[lif ug{] hgzlQm gx'bf v]t af/L afFemf] 5Gf\ . clwsf+z ufpFdf klg klxn] cfkm\g} af/L df kmNg] t/sf/L lsGg'kg{] ePsf] 5 .  sltko ufpFx¿ df t o'jfljxLg x'Fbf, sf]xL la/fdL kbf{, d[To' x'Fbf sl7gfO{ pTkGg x'g]u/]sf] 5 . kfl/jfl/s hLjg df lav08g / of}g ck/fw cTolws a9]sf] 5 . >Ldfg ljb]z k;]kl5 zx/df a;]sf s}of} dlxnfx¿ k/–k'¿ifsf] cfsif{0f af6 3/af/ lau|]sf y'k|} pbfx0fx¿ kfOG5Gf\ . ptf o'jf cj:yf df g} lab]lzPsf k'?if, sdfPsf] /sd /S;L, h'jftf; / a]Zofj[lQdf nufO{ ;a} sdfO{ p8fpb} 3/ kmls{g g;s]sf s}of} pbfx/0f ;d]t 5g\ .
b]zn] ljk|]if0f af6 /fd|f] sdfPsf] 7flgG5 t/ leqL s'/f pN6f] 5 . o;af6 kl/jf/sf] qmozlQm ks} a9]sf] 5 h;n] b]zsf s]lx Aofkf/ km:6fPsf 5Gf\ . vfBfGg, ;hfj6, n'uf–kmf6f, /]:6'/f, ;lk+udn nufotsf 7fpdf Jofkf/ a9]sf] 5 . h;af6 ;/sf/nfO{ /fh:j a9]sf] 5 . t/ b]zdf k|foM ;a} pkef]Uo a:t' / ljnfzL ;fdfg ljb]z af6 g} cfoft x'Fb}5 . s]lx aif{ klxn], of] ljb]z hfg] nx/ grn'Gh]n ;Dd, xfdL cfkm'nfO{ rflxg] k|foM vfBfGg, t/sf/Lx? cfkm} pTkfbg ub{} lyof} . rfdn nufot sltko vfWofGg lgof{t ;d]t ub{} lyof} . t/ s[lifsf] b'/fj:yf kl5 cr]n ljb]zaf6 ePsf] sdfO{sf] *% k|ltzt lab]zdf g} kmls{P/ hfFb}5 h;n]ubf{ b]zsf] Jofkf/3f6f x/]s aif{ r'lnb}uPsf] 5 .               

o;/L of] nfx'/] ;+:s[lt n] b]z / kl/jf/ b'j}nfO{ 7"nf] gsf/fTds k|efa kfl//x]sf] 5 . o'jf gx'Fbf b]zsf] lgod sfg'g / /fhgLltsf] 8f8'kGo' c;Ifd, csd{8\o / j[4–j[4fx?sf] xftdf k/]sf] / ltGfnfO{ r'gf}tL lbg;Sg] hdft lab]lzb} uPsf] n] b]z Ps kl5 csf{] b':rqm df km:b} uPsf] 5 . hj ;Dd of] knfog ug{] o'jfsf lazfn hdftnfO{ b]zdf g} ;df]lrt sfdsf] aftfa/0f agfOGg / b]zsf] pTkfbglzntf a9fpg ;lsGg, lab]zdf uP/ lkl8t zf]lift x'g'kg{] g]kfnLsf] b'e{fUo /f]lsGg . cem, olx knfogafbL ;f]r /fHosf] / of]hgf agfpg] a'b\lwhLljx?sf] /xL/xg] xf] eg] cem} 7"nf] ;+Vofdf k|jflz g]kfnLsf nf; cf];fg{ / lab]zL ;x/sf a]Zofnox?df g]kfnL r]nLa]6Lsf] 3'Orf] ef]Ug, xfdL g]kfnLx? t}of/ x'g'kg{] b]lvG5 .