Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Water Politics : (My Republica, 22 April)

Freshwater is a requirement of life. However, it's becoming scarce by the day due to increasing human population and their reckless water use. According to the UN World Water Report, currently, more than two billion people—about 29 percent of world population—lack access to safe drinking water.

Reliable water systems are necessary for agriculture, manufacturing, electricity, and thermal power generation. However, our current technology is not smart enough to produce significant amounts of freshwater. The scarcity has become a powerful issue of national and international politics and even a political weapon. Nepal has big water resources but there are dangers ahead.

Many countries are getting thirstier, including highest per capita income countries like Qatar, Israel, and Saudi Arabia. Many of them import freshwater from water-rich countries. For example, Qatar is currently importing freshwater from Chile and Saudi Arabia from Nordic countries. The World Resource Institute has listed 36 countries that face extreme water stress among which majority are Gulf countries. Regional tensions are only likely to exacerbate water issues. According to UNESCO, by 2030, 47 percent of world population will be living in areas of high water stress.

'Water trading' has become a buzzword. It means the volume of water consumed by agriculture or industry exported to other country. By consuming water in one country to produce a product traded to another country, the water is virtually transferred to importing country. Australia is one of the developed countries engaged in water trade. The interstate water trade by the Australian state of Victoria was around two Gigaliters in 2013.

Thus water has become a commodity directly related to food production and human hunger. According to the World Food Program, currently 805 million people don't have enough food to lead a healthy life and are undernourished. A quarter of this undernourished world population lives in India and most of them are in states adjoining Nepal.

Two-third of earth is water but most of it is salty sea water, useless for drinking, agriculture or industries. Only about 2.5 percent of it is fresh water which is deposited as snow, glaciers, rivers and ponds. Nepal is a water-rich country. Despite being landlocked, Nepal is rich in freshwater resources with about 6,000 rivers, 3,252 glaciers and 2,323 glacial lakes. According to ICIMOD, the surface water available in Nepal is about 225 BCM/yr (billion cubic kilometers per year) whereas only about 1,000 BCM/yr exists on earth.

Just as wars over oil played a major role in shaping 20th century politics, water is rapidly becoming the world's critical resource. The New York Times journalist Steven Solomon in his book Water: The Epic Struggle for Wealth, Power and Civilization, shows how water will be the root cause of dispute among countries in the coming days, provoking inter-continental conflicts. The Pacific Institute of California has prepared a Water Conflict Chronology, with database of last 5,000 years of violence over water. This chronology shows how in history control over water resources was used as military and political tool and how non-state actors have used it for terrorism.

Nepal is vulnerable, geopolitically, and in the absence of laws for protection of our water resources. India has already made it known its rights over the river water that runs to its territory. It has made high dams along east to west border to control flood water. Disputes over Pancheshwar electricity-irrigation project and demise of Arun-III project in 1995 are strong indicators of such growing anxiety.

If we fail in legal protection of our water it will certainly provoke regional or international conflict. Water in India is becoming desirable for its thirsty population and for its industrial growth. How desperate India is for energy is illustrated by the 3,000 tonnes of uranium deal recently made by PM Narendra Modi with Canada. Our inability to protect our interests, in this context, will be dangerous. Not only should we think about water agreements with our neighbors but also about its equitable distribution in our federal setup.

There have already been disruptions in Upper Tamakoshi and Khanikhola hydroelectricity projects, which was due to the absence of our water management mechanisms.

Water security is similar to intellectual property right. In this regard, there are two categories of water laws in international arena: 'Prior-appropriation water rights' and 'Riparian water rights'. Prior appropriation dictates that the first party to use water for beneficial purposes maintains right to continue using it in this manner, unless they elect to sell or lease these rights. Riparian water rights are given to parties in ownership of land adjacent to a body of water. It is advisable that Nepal develop its own water protection laws. We should think about how our water resources can be used for social and fiscal equity for all future federal states and how we can build a price mechanism to trade water across national borders.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Water economics

Water economics: Scarcest critical resource

Nepal imported about Rs. 107 billion of petroleum products last year. To facilitate the import of petroleum products India is building a long pipeline up to Amlekhganj by which Nepal will be getting a stream of oil. Imagine just the opposite, huge pipelines exporting fresh Himalayan water from Nepal to India and the third world. Not only have we high potential for fresh drinking water, we have high hydroelectricity potential and can grow special agricultural products that will need more water. By engineering improved retention capacity of our green (rainwater) and blue (surface) water, using advanced technologies to generate more green energy and managing better distribution systems we can change our destiny by trading water which is our abundant, cheapest resource. Hunger is increasing demanding more food which in turn needs more water. All industrial countries need large amounts of freshwater for their industries. The value of green energy from hydroelectricity is increasing. River basins were the epicenters of medieval civilizations like the civilization of Nile, Danube and Ganges. The famous civilization of Mesopotamia that means “between the rivers” was along the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in the Middle East. Flowing water facilitates urbanization and transportation. Water system is necessary for agriculture, manufacturing, electricity, thermal power generation (coal plants) and domestic use. Nepal is lucky that despite being untouched by seawater it has enormous high-altitude water storage system that flows vibrantly opening several economic possibilities of making a prosperous country. Think about Qatar,which is the highest per capita income generating country, from what it earns from petroleum productions it is importing fresh water from icebergs of Chile. The World Resource Institute has listed 36 countries that are facing extremely high water stress among which are most Gulf countries which are one of the richest regions of the world earning from their non-renewable petroleum but have no fresh water. Water is a vital human need – for drinking and for other basic requirements. According to UN World Water Report, currently more than 2 billion people have no access of safe drinking water that accounts for about 29% of the total world population. Local tensions, violence and increased regional tensions can occur over water issues that are likely to increase. According to UNESCO, in 2030, 47% of the world population will be living in areas of high water stress. Just as wars over oil played a major role in the 20th-century, water is surpassing oil as the world’s scarcest critical resource. In his book ‘The Epic Struggle for Wealth, Power and Civilization’ journalist Steven Solomon argues with many convincing cases that many 21st century conflicts will be fought over water. Water is not being traded economically. The concept of ‘virtual water trade’ was coined by economists like John Allan of King’s College, London. It means the volume of water consumed by agriculture or industry which is imported to other countries. By consuming water in one country to produce a product that is traded to another country, water is virtually transferred to the importing country. We can commercialize high water absorbing cash crops such as cardamom, raspberry, banana or cotton and can operate industries that needs more water – as water trade. The total volume of fresh water on earth is about 1000 BCM. Nepal is rich in such resources with about 6000 rivers, 3252 glaciers and 2323 glacial lakes. According to ICIMOD, the surface water available in Nepal is about 225 BCM/yr out of which only 15 BCM is in use. Despite the abundance, we are unable to use this resource. Only about 72% of the country’s population has access to basic water supply and only 25% of the whole population has sanitation facilities. The revised hydropower potential of Nepal is 45,610 Megawatts from the identified 114 economically feasible projects, but currently we produce only 632 Megawatts of electricity.In Nepal, although basically an agriculture based country, only 17% of the cultivated area has year-round irrigation that uses less than 8% of the country’s total potential. Management of flood water is also a problem. Every year large numbers of human lives are threatened from the monsoon floods and hundreds of acres of cultivated land are wear-away in the country and crossing the borders. To convert water into wealth, Nepal must have many large reservoirs in the mid hills. Such reservoirs can be used primarily for electricity generation. We are now blindly chasing for ‘run of the river’ plants which is not profitable for Nepal where monsoon rain brings flood and long dry seasons have lean flow. We must concentrate on the ‘reservoir’ system that can produce energy consistently in the dry and wet seasons. One single reservoir can be reused as in Kulekhani. Such reservoirs can be used for supply of drinking water, irrigation, industrial requirements and recreation. We need to utilize and protect our water. If we fail to take proper legal protection to our water it will evoke regional or international conflicts. As, water in India is becoming highly needed for its enormously large thirsty population and for its huge industrial setups our slackness to manage and protect our resource has already started knocking discord at our doorsteps.
One single reservoir can be reused as in Kulekhani. Such reservoirs can be used -for supply of drinking water, irrigation, -industrial requirements and recreation. We need to utilize and protect our water. If we fail to take proper legal protection to our water it will evoke conflicts

जन्मिदा एक अप्राकृतिक नवबर्ष

जन्मिदा एक अप्राकृतिक नवबर्ष

काठमाडौंको नवशिशु अस्पतालमा भिड छ |
सत्तरी पछिको दोश्रो शिशुको जन्ममा |
जो सबै भन्दैछन् ‘रुँदै होइन हास्दै जन्मेकी अप्राकृतिक छे’ ||

भन्छन, उसले-
बर्षौदेखि उडेको धुलोले गरुङ्गो भएको हावामा मस्तले सास तान्दै आखा खोलिछ |
जति फोहोर टिप्दा पनि नसकिएको डुंगुरबाट बगेको बाग्मतीको गन्ध सन्न तान्दै मुस्कुराएकी छ |
किरासरह हिड्ने मानिसको कोलाहल सुन्दै मस्केकी छ |
निश्चिन्त निदाउन खोज्दा, नारा जुलुश र हानेका ढुंगाको आवाजले झसंग बिउझेकी छ, तर नच्याँठीकन |
कंक्रिटका अग्ला घरहरुमा सुसाएको बिदेशी हावा सुन्दै खुट्टा हल्लाएकी छ |
चारैतिरको भिडले अनेक कुराकाट्दा रमाएर उनैलाई हात फैलाएकी छ ||

यस्तो अप्राकृतिक स्वभाबको शिशु देखेर सबै हतप्रद: छन् |
नव मस्तक छन्, सौन्दर्यमा लठ्ठ छन् |
‘धत्’ भन्दैछन्, तर एकपल्ट अँगाल्न तछाड मछाड गर्दै छन् |
आ-आफ्नै रुचिअनुसार यसको नाम राख्न खोजेका छन् ||
मसक्क मस्किदै, हात खुट्टा हल्लाउदै,
त्यो अप्राकृतिक वच्चा, भिडमा चिच्याए छ र आफ्नो नाम
सबैलाई बताए छ – ‘अक्षुण कुमारी’ ||
-     ----- सत्तरी पछिको दोश्रो गर्भबाट अक्षुणकुमारी जन्मेकी छ ||

(सबैमा यो अक्षुणकुमारी जन्मेकोमा शुभकामना दिदै – विकास राज सत्याल, बैशाख २०७२, शान्तिनगर, काठमाडौँ)